Next Gen Living wall Amsterdam!

Since 2018, as a private customer, you can now turn to NADA & Mosmuur for an affordable vertical garden. We have applications for both indoor and outdoor, and different planting formulas. Our breathing wall systems are known because of their air-purifying properties. Green fingers are not necessary.

The air-purifying planting of our ‘Living Wall’


NextGen Living Wall Amsterdam. Together with Interior planting Van der Vleuten (plant supplier) more than 3000 air-purifying plants have been placed here in a vertical garden that is more than 50m long.

Our breathing wall consists of a combination of these plants that purify most effectively:


  • Spathiphyllum “Mauna Lao”
  • Dracaena deremensis “Warneckei”
  • Aglaonema crispum
  • Philodendron oxycardium
  • Philodendron domesticum
  • Chlorophytum elatum
  • Scindapsus aureus
  • Philodendron bipinnati dum